Early childhood is a great time for learning and discovery! Young children love to play, and the best learning happens during playtime. By carefully directing the activities we can create amazing opportunities for children to learn. Just remember, keep it fun, keep it exciting, keep it new and fresh. Shhhh... they don't know they're learning!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Christmas Countdown - 7 Days to Go!

7 Days 'til Christmas!!!

Yes, I apologize right now, before we even start. Glitter. Possibly considered a swear word to parents of small children. Just thinking about glitter can give you anxiety. The thought of the stuff getting all over the place..... Yikes!

I don't use glitter a lot, but there are times when I just really want to achieve a particular look and that is the only way. Well, this is one of those activities...

Snow Playdough

I like to play around with playdough trying different textures, smells, and appearances. Today's fun is snow playdough. It is very simple, but the kids get super excited about using it! It is literally just a basic playdough recipe with glitter added in... Also, I promise the glitter won't get everywhere. You lose a little glitter when you first knead it, but once the kids start working with it, the glitter seems to stay in the playdough just fine! :)

1 c flour

1/2 c salt

1 T cream of tartar
1 T oil
1 c water

white/silver glitter

In a large saucepan, mix together flour, salt, cream of tartar, and glitter (just pour a little in until it looks sparkly enough).  Add oil and water, and place the pan on the stove on medium. Stir constantly with a wooden spoon until the dough forms and is the consistency of playdough. Remove from heat and set dough on the counter to cool. Once it is cool enough to handle, knead the dough until you have a good playdough consistency. Store in an airtight container. (Dough will last longer if you store it in the fridge.)

Now it is time for a fantastic playdough wintery scene! The shimmering playdough is enticing, and your kids should get a good amount of use out it!

Materials needed for tomorrow:
*glitter glue (found in craft stores, stores like Walmart/Target, but I get it at Dollar Tree)
*construction paper or cardstock

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