Early childhood is a great time for learning and discovery! Young children love to play, and the best learning happens during playtime. By carefully directing the activities we can create amazing opportunities for children to learn. Just remember, keep it fun, keep it exciting, keep it new and fresh. Shhhh... they don't know they're learning!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Snow Day! Art Free-For-All!!

Snow day fun continues, since our weather seems determined to provide us with snow days! Next on our list... Art free-for-all!

Art Free-For-All

Materials: (Any art/craft materials you have laying around will work... we raid the dollar store periodically and stock up on stuff like this. I let the kids roam around the store and grab anything they think they can create with!)

  • foam sheets
  • stickers
  • googly eyes
  • craft sticks
  • dowels
  • glue
  • glitter glue
  • crayons
  • markers
  • sequins
  • beads
  • tape
  • scissors
  • pompoms
  • string
  • condiment cups
  • etc
Gather up any craft materials you can find, place them on the table, and let the kids go wild with creativity. I would use a washable table or cover the surface because this WILL get messy. Boy they have fun though!

I started each boy with a sheet of foam so that they would have a place to begin. 

They both created something on that and then moved on to creating other things with the materials. It is amazing what kids can come up with when left to explore and try things! 

My 8-year-old even broke open some googly eyes so he could make use of the black circles inside. So creative! A perfect project for antsy, snow-bound little boys and girls!

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