Early childhood is a great time for learning and discovery! Young children love to play, and the best learning happens during playtime. By carefully directing the activities we can create amazing opportunities for children to learn. Just remember, keep it fun, keep it exciting, keep it new and fresh. Shhhh... they don't know they're learning!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring Break!

There is no school during spring break, but that doesn't mean that we can't do some [secret] learning!  Here are some good activities for today:

1.  Read a book together.  (Of course!)

2.  Alphabet Grab Bag
    • Print and cut out the alphabet letters.  Place them in a paper bag or gift bag and have your child choose a letter out of the bag.  Ask your child to say the letter, the sound, or a word that starts with the letter.  If they get it right, they can keep the letter.  If they miss it, have them place the letter back in the bag. 
    • To mix it up, cut out the silly actions papers and add them to the bag.  Your child will never know if they are going to get a letter or a silly action!
    • Extension: Switch the letter cards for the sight word cards if your child is a reader. 

3.  Kool-Aid Play Dough 
    • Have your child practice rolling it out, cutting it with child-safe scissors, and making shapes with cookie cutters
    • This is my favorite play dough to make because it smells so good!  Here is the recipe:
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1 envelope Kool-Aid (the name-brand works better than the generic, but both will work)
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1 cup water
1 Tbsp oil

Mix the first four ingredients in a medium sauce pan.  Stir in water and oil.  Cook on medium heat until the mixture forms a ball, about 5 minutes.  Transfer to a plate or bowl and allow it to cool.  Knead the dough slightly once it has cooled.

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