Early childhood is a great time for learning and discovery! Young children love to play, and the best learning happens during playtime. By carefully directing the activities we can create amazing opportunities for children to learn. Just remember, keep it fun, keep it exciting, keep it new and fresh. Shhhh... they don't know they're learning!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Snow Day! Snow Play Dough!

I love snow days! It usually means we actually got enough snow for the kids to go out and have some fun. Around here we typically have a snow day with several inches of exciting, fun snow and then it melts off by the next day. However, when you randomly get so much snow and ice that you are at a week straight of snow days the kids start getting cabin fever....

Time for some indoor snow day fun. I think we will start with my old fall-back... play dough!

Snow Play Dough

Snow play dough is easy to make, and it adds just enough of a twist that the kids get excited about it. All you do is make your favorite play dough recipe and add glitter. Voila! Snow play dough is born! Here is a recipe to try:

1 cup salt
2 cups flour 
2 T cream of tartar
2 cups water
2 T vegetable oil

I like to have the kids help me make the play dough... It gives them something to do, and they love to measure and stir!

First, measure the dry ingredients into a medium saucepan and mix them together. Add the water and oil and heat over medium heat. Continue to stir and heat until it gets thick and starts to form a ball. You will want to keep it moving so it doesn't sit on the bottom of the pan, almost like you are kneading it with your spoon. As soon as it starts to thicken add the glitter and continue to stir. Once you have a ball of dough, remove it from the heat and dump it onto the counter to cool. As soon as it is cool enough to touch you can knead it until it reaches the right consistency. 

There are so many things kids can do with snow play dough! Have them build snowmen or create snow scenes. Get out some cookie cutters and have them roll out the dough and cut out shapes. They can make snakes and practice making alphabet letters or writing words with the snakes. The possibilities are endless!

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